Wednesday, November 7, 2007


So I have decided... I want to get back to playing on my bass again. And my acoustic. Being around other people who can play makes me excited and envious, and I want to be a part of it!

And the college application process has begun... AAAHHHH!! Not sure exactly what to think at this point... I read someone's profile on myspace (go figure :P) earlier that made me think. They said they try not to be sad... wait, let me look at it again...

Ah, ok, it was: "i feel blessed to be alive and so should you, you cant be sad forever, it really is a waste of your happieness [minus the 'e'].... love all and love often"

A great way to look at life if you ask me. That is all for now.

1 comment:

ahawkai said...

yeah. this is a really touching post and all honey... but it's kind of old... your fans cry out for more!!! ;-) well... your fan that screams with the tongues of a thousand fans screams for more... but that still counts! lol