Monday, May 26, 2008


I spent this weekend with a group of best friends, shopping, seeing a movie, eating out, and having a sleepover.

There are few things in life better than this. God has blessed me tremendously in my lifetime, but this year has definitely felt like the peak of his generosity.

Basically, I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

And I'm not talking about people who I can tolerate for a couple hours and have a few good laughs with. These girls are like sisters to me, who I can act like a complete idiot around and them not care because they are acting just as crazy. I can be a health freak and order a vegetarian sandwich at the mall while everyone else orders Chik-Fil-A or ramble on about the lyrics of my favorite song... and I love the different qualities and interests and personalities of each and every one of them. We feed off of each other, encourage each other, and love each other. We are all beautiful in our own ways, and I freakin' love it. They have literally taught me how to be myself this year and that being different is not something to hide behind. I have grown as a person and as a young woman because of my best friends. They have seen the real me and they accept it; I don't even think I can express how much that means to me.

Life is so beautiful.

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