Monday, February 26, 2007

Baylor and Switchfoot... nice.

Today at lunch I got something kinda interesting in the mail, but didn't even notice it at first. I get stuff from colleges all the time now, so when my Dad threw this postcard from Baylor at me I didn't think much of it. Actually, I didn't really even look at it. But as I was leaving to go back to school, my mom mentioned something about it talking about a Switchfoot concert, and then I was suddenly interested! Apparently they're having a concert thingy, and it's free!! Ok, maybe I'm not as big of a Switchfoot fan as I was a year or so ago, and they may not be Nickelback or Three Days Grace, but I still think getting to see them live would be awesome! Just thought I'd share that, lol.

Ok, and I just took this quiz on that told me my fall color is... plum. Hmm, I don't think so, lol.

1 comment:

Brady said...

Hey...I got that too..... I get stuff weekly from Baylor but did you know that Tech just bought ASU its going to be awesome!!!! anyways when is it ill have to find that card.... God Bless