Monday, February 5, 2007

Random stuff

I'm now sitting in the computer room during my favorite time of each school day: tutorials. It's a great time to sit back a little before athletics and surf the web or read a good book... or homework, if I absolutely have to. But today I have decided that the two-page history report can wait until I get home. I want to blog! And I have something to add because I have nothing else I want to do and it's the stuff I read when... there's nothing else I want to do! haha. I just read two articles off of my SBC yahoo home page that I think kinda relate to me. Shows you the stuff I think about all the time... kinda sad, I guess.

Body image
Racing against time (the first part makes me think of myself, lol)

1 comment:

Brady said...

well....haha blogging can become addicting...but use it safe....omg... identity security is bad on blogs...... but anyways hope u have fun.......well im in many uil things they tell me im gonna be gone 3 weeks outa school alone for uil stuff.gimme a holla sumtime........